We want to give you all a great big shout out to say THANK YOU to everyone who donated and made our very first Giving Hearts Day fundraiser such a smashing success. We were blown away by the love and generosity we experienced. This money will go directly towards the care of the cats we rescue and I cannot express how good it feels to know they will get what they need medically. We want to again thank our matching sponsors, Overhead Door Co. Of Fargo, Labor Masters, Gabriella Altarez, Sharon Kudelka, Ronnie Dick, Linda Dybsand and Suzy Schmoll….without YOU we would not have qualified to participate in GHD. We also want to thank everyone at Dakota Medical Foundation, the Impact Foundation and the Alex Stern Family Foundation for your dedication and hard work in assisting the 331 non-profit charities in this amazing fundraising event. It truly is an amazing thing you do.