A Cat’s Need to Knead

Thank you to our guest writer, Nomi Berger!

Do cats really need to knead? This question abounds with as many ideas, theories and suppositions as answers, and yet it remains an endlessly fascinating topic for feline aficionados.

While not all cats knead, most cat guardians know a … Continue Reading ››

Cheeky Cats Who Chew

Thank you to our guest writer, Nomi Berger!

Although “appropriate” chewing (to relieve the pain of teething, for example) may be acceptable in kittens, it’s far from acceptable in fully-grown felines.

Contrary to the old adage, curiosity may not kill your cat, but introduce chewing into the … Continue Reading ››

Cats Who Won’t Cuddle

Thank you to our guest writer, Nomi Berger!

Does YOUR cat like being lifted up and held? Does she remain in your arms long enough for it to count as a cuddle? Or does she squirm and wriggle and do all she can to escape your embrace?