Cat Myths

  1. Cats should have a litter before they are spayed.
    This is not true. Cats that have a litter before they are spayed are not better for it in any way. In fact, spayed cats are healthier and have eliminated the risk for life-threatening uterine infections.
  1. Street cats are always healthier than purebred cats.
    This is not true. Both purebred and “street” cats can be unhealthy. Both can have diseases, however, many mixed breed “domestic” cats do not have many of the genetic diseases common in purebred lines.
  1. All cats prefer canned food.
    Some cats do but some cats will only eat dry food.
  1. Cats cannot be trained.
    This is not true. Cats are very smart and can be trained to do tricks.
  1. Cats like tasty food.
    Cats have poor taste buds and eat primarily based on their sense of smell.
  1. Cats will let you know when they are sick.
    This is not true. Cats generally are very good at hiding that they are sick by survival instinct, thus not to appear vulnerable to “prey”. Often by the time they show you that they are sick, their disease or condition is quite advanced.
  1. Cats don’t need heartworm prevention.
    This is not true. Cats can get heartworm disease, even indoor cats. Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes, which can come inside.
  1. Cats don’t need litter box trained – they naturally know where to go.
    There is a natural instinct for many cats; however, not all cats understand the litter box concept.
